Day 159

I will be 2 weeks into intermittent fasting tomorrow. A few symptoms I’ve been experiencing recently are nausea (mostly after I break my fast), weakness, and my urine has a strong odor. However, I don’t have any cravings or feel hungry. I also have a weigh in tomorrow.


1/2 avocado

2 strawberries

rice and ofada stew

1/2 cup pineapples

2 cups vegetable soup

Day 153..1 week of intermittent fasting

Today was bad. I felt so weak and sick, my body shook a bit but I wasn’t actually hungry, and I definitely felt like I had to eat to stop feeling the way I felt. I finally broke my fast by 6pm.


50m strength training


iced tea

2 flour tortilla

1 frankfurter

2 scrambled eggs

1 moi moi

Day 152

So I always have an exercise “window” and once I miss it, it’s hard to find the energy to workout. I felt strong to workout this morning but I didn’t, and by the afternoon/evening I felt weak, mainly because I didn’t get enough fluids. I also felt quite hungry by 5pm, which makes sense since I had dinner by 7pm the day before. I ended up going to bed very early by 7pm, after eating a few crackers. I planned to have my dinner later but slept off and woke up by 12.30am. Unfortunately for me, just as I was gearing up to workout, the light went off. The lack of constant electricity in this country is really annoying and frustrating. And I’m here in bed by 2am writing and trying to sleep again.


20 crackers

1 cup coffee


Day 149..too heavy for treadmill

My treadmill has been having issues for a while, so i decided to get someone to take a look at it. The summary was that the belt/deck was broken and my weight had caused this and walking/jogging puts pressure on the belt, which makes the treadmill stop momentarily, while displaying an error code. A few people at home (who weigh much less than me) use the treadmill, but the error signal only shows when i use it, so i suspected it had something to do with my weight. So i wont be using the treadmill until it is repaired or replaced. I’ll continue with Fitness Blender workouts as usual.


1 moi moi

3 strawberries

2 boiled sweet potatoes with stew

1 chicken drumstick